Infos en vrac sur Wacom
Vu sur Zone bourse.
Wacom a décidé faire un rachat pour 4 millions d’actions, soit 2,52% de son capital social, jusqu’ à la fin de son année fiscale ( si vous vous suivez, vous savez que l’année fiscale au Japon se termine le … 31 mars, donc le 31.3.2023 ) . Le coût : 2 milles millions de Yens. On apprend que Wacom, au 31 mars 2022, avait 158.975.808 actions en circulation (à l’exclusion des actions propres) et 7.570.592 actions dans sa trésorerie.
Lire la suite : Infos en vrac sur WacomVu sur Wacom news.
On vous fait un copier-coller d’une partie de la news. En gros, Wacom s’associe durablement avec une « business alliance » avec ArtSpark. ArtSpark, c’est Clip Studio Paint, actuellement, le meilleur logiciel de dessin et d ‘illustration sur ordi. On s’autorise à penser aussi que Wacom sortira des futurs produits avec des versions customisées et light de Clip Studio Paint, tout comme le faisait jadis Wacom avec MetaCration et Painter Classic, Corel et Painter Essentials.
En anglais : « ArtSpark Holdings Inc. and Wacom Co, Ltd. today announced that the two companies have agreed to form a capital and business alliance. ArtSpark will issue new shares equivalent to 5% of its current share unit number through a third-party allocation, and Wacom will buy the newly issued shares. In addition, Wacom will purchase shares of ArtSpark from the stock market, where Wacom’s combined share-holding ratio is limited to less than 10%..
ArtSpark and Wacom have a history of collaboration such as bundling Wacom’s pen tablets with “CLIP STUDIO PAINT,” the illustration, manga and animation app by CELSYS,Inc., owned by ArtSpark. Both companies take pride in the combined efforts to nurture and lead the development of the world’s creative communities for over the past 20 years.
The alliance will further the collaboration between the two-companies. ArtSpark and Wacom strive to deliver meaningful, valuable experiences to partners and customers, through efforts in applications and services leveraging technology developments which both companies are involved in, as well as projects Wacom has been leading with other industry players.
As such, ArtSpark and Wacom will carry out the initiatives listed below, with a view to contributing to long-lasting growth of the world’s creative industries through Japanese illustration and manga culture, as well as developing and delivering solutions to support new business workflows and new ways of learning. In addition, both companies will support creators and community partners to fulfill their creative activities throughout their careers, by developing technologies which address future needs and implementing them in products, opening new avenues of value creation while protecting their copyrights. »
Toujours vu sur Wacom news.
Wacom s’associe à plein de sociétés ( non, 2… Encore STMelectronics et CEVA ) pour produire le nouveau stylet d’enfer du futur . » a new, wireless sensor module that extends the digital pen’s functionality through advanced gesture, cursor, and motion control. » Le copier-coller totale l’annonce :
CEVA, Inc. (NASDAQ: CEVA), the leading licensor of wireless connectivity and smart sensing technologies and integrated IP solutions and an ST Authorized Partner, together with STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, and Wacom Co., Ltd, the global leader and a key innovator in digital pen technology, today announced their collaboration to develop an enhanced digital pen experience with a new, wireless sensor module that extends the digital pen’s functionality through advanced gesture, cursor, and motion control. The combined effort leverages the specialized capabilities of the three companies to create an advanced, sensor-enabled digital pen that can be adopted by OEMs to add value to their smartphone, tablet, notebook, PC, interactive whiteboard or other smart-display products.
The “Active ES® (AES) Rear IMU Module” combines Wacom’s digital pen technology together with a custom version of ST’s low-power 6-axis Inertial Measurement Unit sensor and Bluetooth Low Energy System-on-Chip (SoC), along with CEVA’s MotionEngine™ Air motion-control software. The result is a low-power, highly compact design suitable for integration into any digital pen form factor. With support for motion-based pointing, gesture control, and 3D motion tracking, OEMs can customize the module reference design to enable a host of new applications, user conveniences, and features. The sensor-enabled digital pen can also serve as a wireless presentation controller that can control the on-screen cursor with natural hand movements. It can also be programmed to replace complex series of menus and taps with a single gesture. The software features CEVA’s patented orientation compensation and adaptive tremor-removal technology, ensuring a highly consistent and intuitive user experience across a wide range of applications.
Wacom is the first company developing a product with these advanced capabilities in an AES Pen. The AES Rear IMU Module is targeted as a plug-and-play module accessory that seamlessly works with Wacom’s AES digital pens with the applicable module connector. The use of sensors in the AES Rear IMU Module significantly raises productivity as well as simplifies and streamlines the workflows of business people, students, and more. The AES Rear IMU Module’s ability to control devices naturally, and at a distance, allows previously individual experiences to become communal and collaborative.
Sayatake Komine, Wacom’s EVP Heading Technology Solution Business Unit, stated: “We’re consistently looking to enhance the digital pen experience for our customers and our collaboration with ST and CEVA expands the functionality of the pen in a myriad of powerful ways. Gestures, pointing, and motion control provide a natural user interface that perfectly complement our digital pens and our AES Rear IMU Module allows sensor-based features and applications to be seamlessly added to our AES pen lineup.”
“Digital pen adoption is growing at an impressive rate and should continue, driven by innovative use cases and the increasing numbers of technologies that can be packed inside the pens,” said Simone Ferri, Consumer MEMS Business Unit Director, STMicroelectronics. “The accuracy and small size of our IMU sensor and BLE SoC offer the ideal form factor to bring sensing and connectivity to the digital pen, and the reference design makes these technologies available to a wide spectrum of Wacom’s customers.”
Chad Lucien, Vice President and General Manager of the Sensor Fusion Business Unit at CEVA stated: “We’re excited to collaborate with Wacom and ST to bring our MotionEngine™ Air software to the digital pen market. The compact code size of our software allows it to run on the BLE MCU and provides unrivalled precision and control for motion-based applications. The innovative product we’re bringing to market as a result of this collaboration ensures that OEMs have a production-proven design they can customize at the application level to differentiate their motion-sensing digital pen design.”
You can watch a video demonstrating the advanced capabilities of a motion-sensing digital pen at ( c’est plutôt short comm vidéo de démonstration )
En image, cela donne ça.

La techno AES, c’est le stylet à smartphone ( fonctionne avec de la recharge d’où le wireless ). Si vous êtes perdus entre les technos de Wacom, EMR, AES ou Will, voici la page dédiée de Wacom.
Pour finir, Wacom fait de l’humanitaire pour l’Ukraine. Wacom news toujours. En gros, dons + création d’un fond = dans les 430 000 $. Pas de quoi casser une chenille à un T-34. On a fait le calcul. La moitié va disparaître du fait de la corruption. Il nous restera donc 200 000$. 100 000$ pour Zelensjy et l’extension de toutes ses maisons avec SPA à Londres. 10 000$ pour un nouveau fond vert. Le reste financera son prochain album de musique : « Zelensky chante à Abbey road les chants du monde ( C’est à dire USA, Canada, Angleterre, Australie et Allemagne ) accompagné de sa bistouquette au xylophone.
Together with our colleagues, customers, communities, and partners from around the world, our entire team is watching the evolving humanitarian crisis in Ukraine with great concern.
It pains us to see how many people are having to flee their homes in search of safety and how many lives are being torn apart. Violence and displacement are terrible experiences for all, especially for children. Our thoughts, hearts and prayers are with those affected by the conflict.
To support people forced to flee their homes, we will be donating 30 million yen (approx. USD 261,000) to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. With this support they can continue to protect and help all affected populations in Ukraine and countries in the region.
In addition, Wacom has decided to create the “Stand Together Fund” of 20 million yen (approx. USD 174,000) within the company, to facilitate region oriented support activities – in the hopes of offering relief, dialogue, and peace.
Wacom is suspending shipments to the region due to the current situation.